OWNEH’S MANUJil.30“ ELECTRICSLIDE-IN RANCIEMODEL NO.911.46565911.46566 911. 46569Before uflog^llile^j’orise, read this manual and follow all its Safet
Contrai DisplayOPERATIONOven Temperature IndicatorOn IndicatorFlasMng Indicator To Alert You To ' Set A Temperature : Or A;Tlme : I ooo,,’UUU
ÊC&nm€prGfOPERATIONClock aná TimerCLOCKThe clock must be set for the correct time of day before a delayed oven function can work properly, The tim
ÍLMmííiOPERATIONOven Control, Clock and TimerTONESnew eontrol has a series of tones that will sound at different tirnes, These tones rnay sound while
ÊC^nmcBr^OPERAHOHOven Cooking TipsSTRONG SMELL OR ODORIt is normal to tiave soiTje odor when using your oven for the first time. To help eliminate thi
Ov0it Cocking Tipsfor products labeled “margarine”), ypu will get poor results if cakes, pies, jpastries, cookies or candies are made with low-fa,f sp
Ki&ntrnCBrG^úPEmmHBaking '-iHOW TO SET BAKEPress .the,. II jyCE;pad. ,2, Press the UP and/or DOWN arrow pads to set the oven temperature you
OPERATIONBroilingBroiling is cooking by direct heat from the upper element. The oven door shoufd remain open to the broil stop position during broilin
OPERATION : ::Setting Special FeaturesYour new tpuch pad control has add iti onal features that you may chdpse to use. After making your selection,
COOK AND HOLDOPERATIONSetting Special FeaturesCONTROL LOCKOUTYour control wIli allovA/ you to lock the touch pads so they cannot be activated when pre
i4mSelf-Cleaning CyclePREPARING YOUR OVEN FOR A SELF-CLEAN CYCLEt« Remove the broiler pan and grid, oven racks, utensils and any foil that may be in t
Range Safety... Stability Device...3-6 ...3COPERATIONFeatures of Your Range ...7Removal of Packaging Tape ... 7Control Settings...
t€^nm€ßr&CARE AND GLEAMINGSelf-Cleaning CycleTO SETA CLEAN CYCLEThe plean Cycle, ihcluding cooldown time, is automatically set for 4 hours, but yo
CARE AND CLEANINGRemovable PartsSURFACE CONTROL KNOBSCLEANING MATERIALS• Dishwashing detergent• Warm water• Soft cloth" ' Molded.Rib ... Cl
K^nmorGCARE AND CLEANINGRemovable EartsREMOVABLE OVEN RACKSCLEANINll MATERIALS• Dishwashing detergent• Warm water• Scouring pad or soap-filled steel w
JkCARE AND CLEANINGRemovable Par^REMOVABLETORAGEDRAWECLEANING lyiATERIALS• Dishwashing detergent• Damp cloth• Warm waterTO REMOVEI Pull the drawer
KGnm€^r&CARE AND CLEAHmRemavahle PartsLIFT UP COOKTOI* Grasp the edge of the cooktop and lift up,2. Holding the cooktop with one hand, lift the s
save you time aad money, befOT^ making a seivice call, check the list below for any problem you may feel you have with the performance of your range.
DDAm S?MiU^li9 ILh SSilIraPOSSIBLE CAUSEla QjltfLlFLRvJr I IfbprRwOven . . ; . ' temperature seems - inaccurate.Oven control calibration.See ove
K^nm€^r&wo n YOURSELF’’ TEMPERATURE ADJUSTMEHT r rYou may feel that your new oven cooks differently than the oven it replaced. We recommend that y
K^nm€^r^SUDE4HMAME WMmMTfFULL ONE YEAR WARRANTY ON ALL FAR13if, within one year from the date of installation, any part faiis to function properly due
Ё€^ПёЖШ€РГ^SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSRead all instructions''before using, this _appllance.:;.When usinP' gas or'-electrical appliance
For in-home mafor brand repair service:Call 24 hDurs a day, 7 days a weeki-8O0-4*MY-HOiyiE>”(1-800-469-4663)ParapedirserviciodereparaBwnailomicilio
WAHNINGI!Tojireveiit accicleiital___ tipping of the rangefroni'abnormal;vusagei: 'V:'Including .excessive^Joading 'Of the oven do
KjenmoreiOVEN SAFETYINSTRUCTIONSCOOKTOP SAFETY• ONLY SOME kinds of glass or ceramic cookware can be used for cooktop cooking. Make sure the cookware
IMPORTANT SAFETY';;':;.:;;''v;::-:;:;NOTlCE!'". ^"The,. California;. Safe Prinking '; Water, ançl Texlc Enforc
tCGnmcprGOPERATIONFEA TURES OF YOUR RA UBE, Porcelain LIfl-llp CooktopRemovable ^Cooktop Control KnobsBroiler Panand GridClock and O»on Light „ Contr
OPERATIONCooktop CookingCOOKING ELEMENTSThe sign near each control knob shows you which element is turnecl on by th^t knob.HOME CANNING TIPWater-bath
OPERATIONOven Control, Clack and TimerC™D /"-broil'''!GED10,00^ ,i* J-O-C? _______ШЮ'ОО-'OHAï'SfflŒ аш - '
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